Monday, May 21, 2007

Comment on Classmates' Blog

Jess recently posted about John Battelle's Searchblog & the article regarding Cox's possibility of instilling a non-fast forward function into some of its programs on certain networks. I do agree with both Jess and with Battelle - here's why. Jess is right that this practice c really be a potentially good idea so that viewers do not fast forward through all of the commercials of a program. But on the other hand, this is almost SURE to cause a backlash - I mean, being forced to watch commercials?! How fair is that? We have to remember that we, too, are viewers and I do not think that the average TV watcher would be very happy if they sat down to their TiVo-ed program & the fast forward function was no longer allowed.
In fact, I just asked my brother to TiVo a show for me that I was missing tonight while working on this project. And believe it or not I hope to sit down to that show without having to watch any commercials - and I like commercials personally!
It's just all about convenience and consumer control - as discussed below. Rights and essentially privileges that have been given to consumers in the past - it is not such a good idea to take these away. Giving control & then taking it back will cause tension between producer and consumer & leave a lot of very unhappy, commercial-watching audiences.

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